LENA Start Site Comparison
The LENA Start Site Comparison view of an organization's Performance Report shows the program's reach, retention, and characteristics, as well as its impact on children and families at the program, partner, or site level, through aggregated data for Turns and Snapshot results.
Users with Is Admin of View Organization Data permissions can access the Performance Report for an organization (partner or site) and click the Site Comparison tab.
What information is in the Site Comparison report?
Click each item for more detail on what the report shows.
The printed report shows the organization and the Session 1 date range included in this report. Set these parameters using the context menu and date range fields at the top of the screen. (The top of the screen does not print.)
Lifetime Families Served indicates the total number of participating families in the report organization (and any nested partner organizations) since the date when the organization was created. In contrast to the other participation statistics, this value includes children from groups that have not yet completed and groups that were abandoned (session dates removed) due to the pandemic. This number does not change with adjustments to the date range, but it increases each time a new family attends their first session or submits their first LENA Day.
Families in this Date Range indicates the total number of participating families from the completed groups in the context and date range of this report.
Average Group Size shows the number of participating families per completed group, on average, in the selected date range (# participating families / # of groups).
The Graduation Rate is the percent of participating families who met graduation criteria in the completed groups from the selected date range (# graduates / # participating families).
Participating families are families who attended at least one session and/or submitted at least one recording.

This section compares certain characteristics of the groups included in your report against the average for all LENA Start sites.
Average Group Size and Graduation Rate are the same values as described above, but here you see how they compare to the average.
Participants in Low Talk Group is the percent of all participating families whose first LENA Day was below the 50th %ile for Words and/or Turns - regardless of the participants' eventual level of participation (e.g., dropped, graduated, etc.). The green pie chart shows the value for completed groups in the specified context and date range. The orange pie chart shows the average of all sites, for comparison.
Valid Recording Rate is the percent of all non-hidden recordings that were valid (total # valid, non-hidden recordings / total # non-hidden recordings). The green pie chart shows the value for completed groups in the specified context and date range. The orange pie chart shows the average of all sites, for comparison.

This section compares your groups' gains in Turns and Snapshot results against the average gains for all LENA Start sites. The green "your site" bars reflect gains from only those participants who met criteria for inclusion in each measure on the corresponding Performance Report, with a break-out for the lower-talk families. The orange bars represent the average gains for participants meeting these criteria from all Start sites. See the Performance Report article for details on inclusion criteria, lower-talk classification, and calculations for each measure.
Percentile Growth in Conversational Turns is the difference between the average turns percentile at baseline and at graduation.
Percentile Growth in Snapshot is the difference between the average Snapshot percentile at baseline and at graduation.

These values represent the difference between the purple and green bars on the corresponding Performance Report, and they match the labels displayed on the corresponding Data Summary for Turns and Snapshot.
Print and save the Site Comparison report
You can print and/or save a PDF of the report at any point.
The context menu and date range sections do not print, but the parameters are stated in text at the top of the printout.